Month: July 2014



We start a new graphic story/strip in Thanet Watch this month called the Lost Planet. It’s set in the future and it’s about a female insurance investigator who stumbles upon a planet in a forgotten corner of the universe. It’s called Planet Phanert… Tell us what you think of this kind of thing. Also maybe what should be in it…



Thanet Watch magazine has published what it claims to be a guide to bribing the local council.

The guide, billed as being written by a “council insider”, offers an extraordinary “dos and don’ts” of using money to get planning permission or other decisions in your favour.

It says that the practice of giving council officers or members “brown envelopes” filled with money is a thing of the past.

Instead, according to the guide, people who try to influence councillors go in for selling them varioys luxury goods at greatly reduced prices, or finding ways for them to go on holidays to exotic places.

Thanet Watch editor Norman Thomas says that it’s not surprising that the guide should be published in Thanet.

“Our area has a long history of corruption and improper conduct in public office,” he said, “with two leaders of the council having gone to jail – one for actually forging money – and over the years many inquiries by the police and other bodies into allegations of corruption.”

Mr Thomas added: “And these are only for things which have to the light of day. Local people suspect that much more has been going on which hasn’t – yet – been exposed.”

Mr Thomas said that he hopes in publishing the guide the magazine will hasten the day when what he calls “deep rooted habits of corruption” will be rooted out in the area.

The guide is published in the latest issue of THANET WATCH magazine which is in newsagents and shops across Thanet now.

For more information, contact Thanet Watch on 01843 604253, 07989 070843 or