Month: December 2016



Letter to Jeremy Corbyn Number 1


Whatever you do Jeremy please don’t reach an accommodation  with people in the Parliamentary Labour Party. It will do you no good whatsoever.

On the one hand, it will just give them breathing space to stab you in the back.  On the other hand, it will cause the people in the party at large who voted for you, as well as the wide range of our supporters outside the party, to lose their faith.

The vast majority of people who voted for you in your two election leaderships voted for you exactly because you have never been prepared to compromise on your principles with your parliamentary colleagues.

By reaching an accommodation with them now you risk losing the support  of the people who love you and what you represent.

It’s hard to work out what the future holds for the either the Labour Party, or for British or even world politics, but I am certain that the way forward doesn’t lie in reaching any kind of agreement or compromise with members of parliament whose ideas have failed the country in the past and are all too likely to do so again.

Despite the media, despite the heckling and the whispering from people in the Westminster “bubble” your supporters across the country want you to go forward with the principles and values and policies you have supported your entire parliamentary career. Please, please do so. We will be with you.

All the best

R.B. Wedge




SPEECH: NHS campaigner Maria Pizzey

On Friday 9 December 11 people from East Kent interrupted a meeting of the board of directors of the East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust about the Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STP)  which the government has asked all health care systems in England to draw up. One of the protestors, Green Party member Maria Pizzey, delivered the following speech:

We are here today to demand, that this board of directors, whose purpose is to serve the population of East Kent, speak openly and honestly about the STP, which is the government’s tool for further privatisation and the dismantling of our NHS.

East Kent’s draft STP outlines the downgrading of services to leave just one A&E site with a trauma unit to provide care for a populace of 1.5 million people.

This means people will die.

Rife with jargon and terminology, the STP has been designed to be obtuse and inaccessible for the public, so as to present itself as a positive step towards saving the future of our NHS services. When in fact its purpose is to accelerate Simon Stevens’ Five Year Forward View and hasten the privatisation of service delivery.

Nationally, we are seeing the closure of A&E departments and Consultant led maternity services. The 5 year forward view seeks to centralise the expensive, non-profitable elements of the NHS, separating the good investments from the non-profitable, preparing for large scale privatisation. We know how fond Stevens is of private healthcare, having been the president of the largest health insurance company in the United States, prior to being installed as the head of NHS England by a Tory government.

Written in jargon and spin, the draft STP seeks to deceive the public into the ‘case for change’ and a false sense of security that their NHS will be preserved. The £101 million debt that the Trust has accumulated is being presented as an overspend.

This is dishonest.

The members of this board must speak out about the de-funding of the NHS and present this debt as it truly is – an under-funding by central government.

I quote the STP: ‘Your own bed is the best bed’. What this really means is there will be no other bed available for you. Discharged as early as possible, patients will be reliant on social care providers for their recovery. We all know the current unfit state of the privately operated social care sector.

The people of East Kent are depending on this board of directors to truly have their best interests at heart. We know the track record of your CEO, Matthew Kershaw and his attempts at cutting viciously in Lewisham and Brighton. You hold the future of peoples’ lives and health in your hands. The least you owe them is the transparency and honesty to tell them what these plans really mean. Each of you are responsible for ensuring the truth behind these plans is made known.

Don’t lie to us.

Don’t do Simon Stevens’ dirty work.

No closure.

No downgrade.

We will not be betrayed.


Momentum Thanet is inviting its members and supporters, and all NHS campaigners in east Kent to join us for a meet-up to discuss the NHS cuts coming to the area as part of the Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STP). These plans are out for consultation and will be implemented from April 2017.
A Momentum spokesperson said: “We need to be ready to challenge those parts of the plan that will cut services and reduce accessibility. This is a critical battle for the survival of the NHS as we know it.”
The meeting is on Friday 16 December, 5.30pm at the Red Hall. Updates will be available on
The Red Hall, 11 Grosvenor Road, Broadstairs CT10 2BT Tel 07989 070843.