Month: March 2013


Independent Thanet District councillor Ian Driver is standing down from Ramsgate Town Council because he thinks that councillors should just sit on one council at a time. Many Thanet councillors sit on three different councils and claim more than one allowance. Here he explains just how much they get.


The April edition of Thanet Watch magazine is out now in newsagents and shops across the Isle of Thanet.

In this issue:

CURSED BY CORRUPTION?  What does the imprisonment of ex-council leader Sandy Ezekiel tell us about corruption in Thanet?

BATTLING THE BEDROOM TAX: Thanet residents call for non-stop protest against “devastating” benefit cuts.

THANET HEALTH LTD: Thanet is getting a new health regime  but who’s going to really benefit – patients or doctors?

ART COLLECTION CHAOS:  A local historian speaks out about the council’s gross neglect of Thanet’s heritage.

WHY WELLS WALKED:  Councillor Chris Wells didn’t make Pope but he’ll always have the new Broadstairs Community Centre (if it happens).

DEATH IN THANET: The latest installment in the dark thriller about sleaze and corruption in high places.


A special emergency meeting in which people will get a chance to put questions about corruption in Thanet will be held at 7pm, on Wednesday 20 March in Broadstairs.
The meeting will take a format similar to the TV “Question Time” programme, with a panel of experts answering questions submitted by the audience.
The meeting is being held by Thanet’s Independent Media Society, publisher of Thanet Watch,  in the wake of the imprisonment of ex-council leader Sandy Ezekiel and the news that Kent police are widening their investigations in the area.
The panel of commentators will include Ian Driver, chair of the council’s Overview and Scrutiny committee, and Louise Oldfield, citizen journalist and blogger.
People with questions they want to be put to the panel should send them to IMS, 11 Grosvenor Road, Broadstairs CT10 2BT or or telephone 01843 604 253.
The meeting is at 7pm on Wednesday March 20 at the Red Hall, 11 Grosvenor Rd, Broadstairs CT10 2BT. All are welcome.